Tað ber ikki til at síggja burtur frá vaksandi óvissuni í altjóða landslagnum

Røðan, sum Herálvur Joensen, aðalstjóri í Uttanríkis- og vinnumálaráðnum, helt, tá ið Artic Circle varð sett

Uttanríkis- og vinnumálaráðið
18. oktober 2024 kl. 10:25

President Grímsson, Ministers, excellences, distinguished guests.

Our geopolitical neighbourhood in the Arctic and North Atlantic has been characterised by security, stability, and prosperity. But in reflecting on the state of our world today, it is impossible to ignore the growing sense of uncertainty that shapes the international landscape. Geopolitical tensions, economic volatility, climate change, and the rapid pace of technological change all contribute to a complex and unpredictable global reality that is impacting our region too.  

Because the Arctic does not, of course, exist in a vacuum. And we cannot be but concerned about the destabilising effects of wars on the European continent and the Middle East on world affairs, including Arctic affairs.

Against this backdrop, I must thank President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson for his vision and determination in bringing so many people together to create this exciting and, indeed, necessary international forum. This year, the forum is perhaps more important than ever, as it safeguards the practice of democratic sustainability in our Arctic region.

Dear friends

As the Arctic is undergoing profound changes, presenting both challenges and opportunities, the Faroe Islands are committed to continued development in the region, respecting the fragile environment, promoting cooperation among Arctic nations, and ensuring a democratically sustainable region. To that end, the Faroese Parliament unanimously adopted a revised Arctic Policy this year. 

Our Arctic policy emphasises security and stability, scientific research, response preparedness, and responsible resource management. We aim to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous Arctic, where collaboration transcends borders and benefits all.

The Arctic Policy of the Faroe Islands will be instrumental as the Faroe Islands, Denmark and Greenland, in concert, assume the chairship of the Arctic Council next year.

Ladies and gentlemen

It is ever more clear that as the Arctic receives increasing international attention, our task as Arctic nations is to take on the responsibility to navigate the region into a new global era. And taking on that responsibility requires us to act. 

Act to ensure that the Arctic remains a peaceful and stable region. Act to secure economic stability. Act to mitigate the effects of climate change. Act to wisely manage our natural resources. And in essence, to use as a guiding principle the ability that the untamed and often harsh Arctic natural surroundings have taught us: To work together – across nations – to translate challenges into opportunities. To form partnerships that make us stronger and more resilient. 

The very backbone for this undertaking is the international rules-based order, serving as a cornerstone of global stability. It provides a framework for nations to cooperate, resolve disputes peacefully, and work together towards common goals. The Faroe Islands, despite our size, are resolute in our commitment to upholding this order.

It ensures that might does not make right, and that all nations, regardless of size, have a voice and a stake in global governance. From climate change to global health, from trade to security, multilateral cooperation and adherence to international norms and law are instrumental. 

We are reminded of the enormous impact over the last decades of the international law of the sea and well-regulated international trade for setting the stage for economic prosperity and international stability. Not least in much of the Arctic and the North Atlantic.

Dear friends

In a world where uncertainty often breeds fear and division, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles that unite us.

For that very reason, the Faroe Islands stand ready to engage proactively and positively. Our foreign policy reflects who we are: a resilient and forward-looking nation committed to contributing to a safer, more prosperous, and more just world. 

Our contributions, whether through scientific research, international trade, humanitarian aid, or diplomatic efforts, are guided by our values of solidarity, responsibility, and respect for human dignity. 

Dear colleagues

It has been an honour to have this stage, and I look forward to three productive and exciting days during which we can share ideas and perspectives. Doing so is necessary to meet the challenges the years ahead will bring.

Thank you.