Prayer Service marking the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine

International Prayer Service marking the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine 24th of February last year

(Mynd: Faroephoto)
21. februar 2023 kl. 12:21

Tiltak Gudstænasta

Stað Vesturkirkjan

Tíð: 24. februar 2023, kl. 19:00

Prestur Marjun Lómaklett

The Service will be held at 7.00 pm on Friday, Feb. 24th, 2023 in Vesturkirkjan in Tórshavn. Marjun Lómaklett, vicar will lead the service.

There will be singing, lighting of candles, devotion and additional musical numbers by a group of young girls. 

The service will be translated to Ukrainian language.

After the service everyone is invited for coffee and cake.
Everyone is welcome!

Gudstænastan verður fríggjadagin 24. februar 2023 klokkan 19 í Vesturkirkjuni við Marjun Lómaklett, presti. 
Bønarløtan verður hildin við m.a. sangi, andakt, ljósatendring, og sangluttøka verður við ungum gentum.
Gudstænastan verður týdd til ukrainskt mál.

Aftaná gudstænastuna verður drekkamunnur.
Øll eru hjartaliga vælkomin!